Ghismonda With The Heart Of Guiscardo

Ghismonda with the Heart of Guiscardo, a compelling narrative originating from Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron, captivates readers with its timeless exploration of love, honor, and revenge. Set against a backdrop of historical and cultural significance, this story unfolds through the intertwined fates of its protagonists, Ghismonda and Guiscardo.

Ghismonda, a strong-willed and passionate princess, defies societal norms to pursue her love for Guiscardo, a handsome and valiant squire. Their forbidden affair incurs the wrath of Ghismonda’s father, Tancred, leading to a tragic and poignant conclusion that resonates deeply with readers.

Literary Context: Ghismonda With The Heart Of Guiscardo

The story of Ghismonda and Guiscardo originates from Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron, a collection of tales published in the 14th century. The story is set in the Kingdom of Salerno during the 12th century and reflects the social and cultural norms of medieval Italy.

Character Analysis

Ghismonda with the heart of guiscardo


Ghismonda is a strong and independent woman who defies the societal expectations placed upon her. She is intelligent, passionate, and willing to risk everything for love.


Guiscardo is a handsome and charming young man who captures Ghismonda’s heart. He is a skilled knight and a loyal friend, but his lower social status makes their relationship forbidden.


Tancred is Ghismonda’s father and the King of Salerno. He is a strict and unforgiving man who values honor above all else. His disapproval of Ghismonda’s relationship with Guiscardo leads to tragic consequences.



Love is the central theme of the story. Ghismonda and Guiscardo’s love for each other is passionate and all-consuming, but it is also forbidden and dangerous.

Honor, Ghismonda with the heart of guiscardo

Honor is a complex and multifaceted concept in the story. Tancred believes that honor is more important than love, while Ghismonda believes that love is more important than societal expectations.


Revenge is a powerful force in the story. Tancred’s desire for revenge against Guiscardo leads to his daughter’s death.


Ghismonda with the heart of guiscardo

The Heart of Guiscardo

The heart of Guiscardo is a symbol of his love for Ghismonda. Tancred’s act of sending the heart to Ghismonda is a cruel and heartless act that highlights the brutality of his revenge.

The Pomegranate

The pomegranate is a symbol of fertility and love. The pomegranate seeds that Ghismonda scatters on Guiscardo’s grave symbolize her love for him and her hope for their reunion in the afterlife.


The story of Ghismonda and Guiscardo has been adapted into numerous literary, theatrical, and artistic works. Some notable adaptations include:

  • Boccaccio’s Decameron (14th century)
  • Chaucer’s The Clerk’s Tale (14th century)
  • Shakespeare’s Cymbeline (17th century)
  • Gainsborough’s painting The Heart of Guiscardo (18th century)

These adaptations have interpreted the story in different ways, reflecting the changing social and cultural values of their respective times.


Who is the author of Ghismonda with the Heart of Guiscardo?

Giovanni Boccaccio

What is the main conflict in the story?

The forbidden love between Ghismonda and Guiscardo

How does the story end?

Tragically, with Ghismonda taking her own life after being forced to consume Guiscardo’s heart